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Gamified social impact survey for the UN


The Interactive Survey Project was created for UNDP which was our second project after Aiyo Alice that addresses social challenges through the power of gaming. Created in 4 languages - English, Sinhala, Tamil, and Divehi - the survey helped collect data about the closeness of families, and religious groups, and control over difficult life situations.

It also provided a page with helpful and educational resources about social anxiety, mental health, discrimination, and decision-making - to name a few - for everyone who submitted the survey. The page contains opportunities such as links to volunteering, vocational training, and mental helplines available in both countries.

The project of survey was based on the Extreme Lives project that aimed to show real stories of discrimination, prejudice, and hatred in Asia and to present ways of counteracting such behavior.



The strategy behind the survey was to collect data about the psychological and social state of citizens of Sri Lanka and Maldivians and identify the scale of social issues such as racism, hatred, or discrimination. We have combined our knowledge of animation, interactive visualizations, and digital art to create an enjoyable, entertaining, and engaging survey filled with insightful resources on how to prevent and deal with these undesired behaviors.

Studio Responsibilities

We were in charge of:

  • Strategic planning of the interactive side of the survey

  • Advisory on the visual content of the survey

  • Character designing

  • Animation, storyboarding of the flow of the survey

  • Art direction

  • Development of the survey using three.js libraries

  • Creating a system for collecting data

  • Development of the page with resources


Our goal was to maintain the highest possible interactivity, entertainment, and engagement in the survey, which was not an easy task considering the fact, that the survey has more than 40 questions. That's why our work was focused not only on creating a survey that is clear and understandable but also on variating the animations and scenes look. Both countries - Sri Lanka and the Maldives - are filled with a diversity of religions, ethnic groups, historical experiences, and connections with other countries. That's why the survey has to be ambiguous, and neutral - we wanted each group to feel equally included. Last but not least, this survey was our first project fully created in three.js technology - it required plenty of learning within the developing process itself.

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